


What have you done for the people of West Java. Thats a disturbing question for H.M. Widarsadipradja during a meeting with Darusman his junior high school gymnastic teacher. From the discussion results, H.M.Widarsadipradja , who was at the time the CEO of Bank Dagang Negara, together with MrSuhudWarnaen , the Vice Governor of West Java, tried to restore the image of Bandung and its surroundings as the City of Flowers, best tourist cities in West Java.


The aspirations gained support from businessmen, golfers and the enthusiasts of outdoor sports. Starting from a dream, emerged a shared vision to build golf courses and resorts as sports and travel facilitiesas an achievement of Bandung and West Java.

The idea was then sanctioned by the Governor of West Java; at the time was H.R Moh.Yogie S.M., because it was in accordance with Government of West Java program to develop Bandung and surrounding areas for tourism areas, and at the same time encouraging employment. PT. LangenKridhaPratyangga, Tbk is founded on March 6, 1986, in cooperation with the Government of West Java by providinga 125.5-hectares-land in Cikeruh village, Jatinangor (20 Km east of Bandung).

Since then, the construction of a golf course began - 18 holes handled and managed by Indonesian generations. The golf course design planning conducted by Austro Golf & Association with some alterations to fit with the land contours and maintain the authenticity of the natural environment. On March 26, 1989, the construction of international-standard golf course was completed and inaugurated by Soedarmono, B.L.,who served as Vice President, and attended and witnessed by Commissioners Board andBoard of Management ofPT. LangenKridhaPratyangga, Tbk. as well as local government officials including West Java Governor,Siliwangi Military Commander, and other attendants.



  • Menjadikan perseroan sebagai operator/pengelola terkemuka dalam bidang sarana olahraga dan rekreasi di Idonesia.


  • Menjaga dan mempertahankan sarana olahraga serta rekreasi yang ada dan menjadikannya terkemuka di Indonesia.
  • Mengembangkan sarana olahraga dan rekreasi ke tempat-tempat lain di Indonesia
  • Meningkatkan nilai tambah bagi para pemegang saham.
  • Berpartisispasi dalam mengembangkan pariwisata Indonesia,khususnya di Jawa barat dengan peduli lingkungan.